Mediators Are Now YouTubers
With the transition to remote mediations and arbitrations,…

We're all YouTubers Now- A Guide to Videoconferencing Hardware for Litigators
With the transition to remote mediations and arbitrations, litigators…

Roleplay- Convincing Your Client to Not Break the Law
You are the General Counsel for Good Deeds Housing, Inc. You…

Negotiating with a Govt Entity
You are General Counsel to nonprofit Good Deeds Housing, Inc.…
Text negotiation
In my Spring 2016 Negotiation class, the students conducted a…

Negotiation Workshops
JAMS mediator and UC Hastings Adjunct Professor of Law Shirish…

Negotiation videos & Presentations
Here are some of the videos/media I use in my Negotiation Class:

Shirish's Speaker Bio
Here's my bio for a speaking engagement. Feel free to cut and…

Inside Look at Mandatory Fee Arbitrations in California
The following resource aims to help California lawyers and the…

Best predictor of settlement
In a recent survey on federal court ADR programs, the Federal…