Inside Look at Mandatory Fee Arbitrations in California
The following resource aims to help California lawyers and the…
Crafting a Solid Attorney-Client Fee Agreement
Any attorney-client fee agreement should be (i) understandable,…
Startup Law Firm FAQs
Here are some of the more frequent questions I get and my responses:
Common Attorney Fee Disputes & Solutions
As part of my practice at JAMS, I mediate and arbitrate attorney…
10 Common vcard Mistakes
Just as a business professional needs a good website, she needs…
Opening a Solo or Small Firm Practice in California
Background: In 2008, I opened Flashpoint Law after spending…
Voluntarily Closing a Law Practice in California
The following resource aims to help California lawyers close…
Piercing the Law Corporation Veil
When I first looked into the issue of whether solo lawyers should…
Incorporation vs. Sole Proprietorship
Congratulations on starting your own solo law practice in California!…
Bringing Back Drink Tickets at Work Parties
Company parties are likely to be a bit less "festive" as courts…